Population Growth Strategy

The 2018-2028 Northern Territory Population Growth Strategy PDF (12.5 MB) is a framework for attracting people to the Territory, and encouraging those already here to stay for the long term. More people will mean more jobs, stronger growth and better services for Territorians.

Industry growth, diversification and delivery of quality services like healthcare and education rely on the availability of skilled workers. This strategy details how, with cooperation from the private sector, non-government organisations and all levels of government, we attract people here and how we retain them.

The Population Growth Strategy identifies the activities needed to attract and retain people and increase our understanding of the drivers of population change so we can continue to improve our responses.

With jobs being the key to attracting more people to the Northern Territory, the Government is working hard to deliver a stronger, more diversified economy through a range of initiatives including:

The Population Growth Strategy PDF (12.5 MB) will be supported by annual Population Growth Action Plans which will detail the activities the Government and others are undertaking to drive population growth and retention. Each annual Action Plan will report on progress against the objectives set previously. The first Population Growth Action Plan is currently under development and will be released soon.

The Northern Territory Government commissioned Charles Darwin University to analyse previous population research and improve our understanding of population trends. The 2017 CDU report Synthesising Northern Territory Population Research JPG (128.8 KB) formed the basis of many of the activities outlined in the Population Growth Strategy PDF (12.5 MB).

CDU have been commissioned to undertake a program of further research to provide detailed information on the drivers of population change in the Northern Territory. The results will help Government develop appropriate effective policy responses to continue to sustainably grow our population.

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Population Research

A larger, more diverse population will mean better services, a stronger retail sector, more opportunity, more jobs, more significant private investment and more revenue for the Territory.

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Welcome to the Territory incentive

Information about the government's incentive to boost and retain the Territory's population.

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Become a friend of the Territory

The Northern Territory Government’s Territory Expat Program is designed to engage former Territory residents and encourage them to return, and/or act as ambassadors for the Northern Territory, encouraging friends, family and colleagues to consider the Territory as a destination.